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Great sites for Gardening help.

When In Doubt.
There are times when I need a little bit of gardening help. When my friends or family do not have an answer, I can always turn to the internet. I have found several great sites that have top quality information.

  In the past few years, maybe you have heard of this site. If you have not, I suggest that you check it out. There are two areas of reddit that I like to go to.
Gardening - here you can find useful tips and stories by other gardeners. Even ask them questions if you can not find the answer.

What Is This Plant - Did you go hiking, and found an odd plant? Take a picture of the plant, and post it here. In a few hours someone will let you know what it is, or at least where to look.

You Grow Girl
  This site is very well written. The pictures in each post are very well done. I enjoy looking at You Grow Girl from time to time. I always seem to get inspired when I do. check out You Grow Girl.
 This is a great article for anyone who is going to want to save plants (if you haven't already.)
Bringing Potted Plants Indoors

Kitchen Gardeners International
 Or KGI as the cool kids like to say. I love cooking, and I love to garden. This site combines both worlds into just a visually, and mentally appeasing site. I bet you will love Kitchen Gardeners International too.
 What is better, hot or cold compost? Find out Here.

66 Square Feet
 This is just an awesome idea. In today's world, gardening can be cramped for most people, especially living in the city. The layout of Marie's garden, and the plants and flowers that she grows are just beautiful. Check this blog out for sure. 66 Square Feet.
 My favorite part of her blog is Roof Farm. Just great pictures, and well written articles all around. If you are gardening in a small area, check Marie's blog out.

Urban Farm Online
  Looking to raise a goat in the city? Maybe just a few gardening tips. Urban Farm Online has all of these things, and more. UFO has very well written and intriguing articles. They really do have tips on goat keeping,a even bee keeping. For a interesting read check out Urban Farm Online.

I hope everyone checks these sites out. There is so much good information to be had in these five sites alone. Take a look at let me know what you think. Feel a blog should be listed here? Leave a comment and I can make it happen.


  1. I am really looking forward to reading more here and thanks for the tips on where to go. We just purchased our first home and we have a garden plot that is waiting for some great veggies and berries. Since this is my first garden, I'll need lots of advice. Thanks for commenting and linking up on my sidebar. Have a great weekend!

  2. Thank you, Garrett! These look like great sites! -Marci @ Stone Cottage Adventures

  3. Roslind and Marci, you are both very welcome. If you ever need to know anything about a plant, let me know and I will post a care guide.
    Thank you so much!


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Contact TGP!

Hey, if you have a story you would like to tell about your indoor gardening, or have pictures of your plants, I would love to see them. You can send an e-mail to me at . I'll try my best to respond as quick as I can.   Thanks,     Garrett.

Valentine Plants As Gifts

💘 It's time to be all Lovey and Dovey time 💘 Which you are.  Let's face it, that's why you're here.  You're looking for inspirational ideas or what to hope and dream for. Plants are great for this.  Not just the long stem, freshly cut flowers that will die eventually.  I'm talking about the ones that are in cute little pots and super easy to grow and maintain.   Aloe Vera Jade Plant Hyacinth Snake Plant Bamboo Onward to the Next Step! What makes a plant a great gift is how it is decorated.  The container is where the magic happens.  Have an idea of how you want the gift to be perceived.   Bright and Shiny Cute and Adorable  Rustic and Charming Simple and Pleasing  Get creative and have fun with it.  This is something that they will look at everyday and spend time thinking about you...   ...and THAT is what you are ...

Moss balls, my wet friends.

 Hello, I'm going to be talking about moss balls , and aquatic plant. I had to take down my half gallon tank yesterday and inside I had a moss ball. I had bought this plant at Petco when I worked there. I'm told that they only grow 5mm a year, but this moss ball has easily doubled his size in the past six months. Why would it grow so fast? If I were to guess, it would be because I had a very poor filter, led lights, and an over stocked tank. I had 15 fish in the half gallon tank. The plants that I had in there easily kept the tank clear and clean. This moss ball probably doubled in size because of that. So what is a moss ball, and why should you have one in your tank, or just in a jar?   The moss ball has a few names depending on where you go. Mirimo, lake ball, moss ball, Cladophora ball. This moss ball, isn't really moss. The moss ball is actual a type of algae.   Algae, why would I want to put that into my tank?     The moss ball will stay in its ...